Welcome to our FAQ page dedicated to wind projects! Find clear answers to your questions about wind energy and its environmental impact. Explore now!
Questions / Answers
What happens to wind turbines at the end of their operation?
A wind farm has a lifespan of 20 to 30 years. Once they have reached the end of their life cycle, wind turbines can either be replaced by new, more modern machines or removed.
If they are removed, the land is returned to its “initial state” unless there is a specific exemption. Since then, June 22, 2020 and the promulgation of the decree “on the modification of the requirements relating to electricity production installations using mechanical wind energy within an installation subject to authorization under section 2980 of the legislation on installations classified for environmental protection", the conditions for dismantling wind turbines have evolved.
According to the law, the wind turbines must be removed and the site returned “to its initial state”. Concretely, the machines are uninstalled and recycled for 90% of their total weight and the concrete foundations are removed and replaced with earth having the same geological similarities as the land where they were installed. This “return to the initial state” is the responsibility of the wind farm operator.
The decree of June 22, 2020 also provides that wind developers must deposit a sum, updated each year, of 50,000 euros for a 2 MW wind turbine and 10,000 euros per additional MW in an escrow account at the Caisse des Dépôts and Consignments. In the event that the operator goes bankrupt and cannot ensure dismantling, the State uses this sum to take action. The sale for recycling of the wind turbine materials (90% minimum of the wind turbine), as well as the sum deposited with the Caisse des Dépôts et des Consignations, makes it possible to reduce the cost of the operation to zero. The first dismantlings in France allow us to have feedback on experience and to demonstrate that these amounts correspond to the economic and financial realities linked to the dismantling of the machines.
What about infrasound
Infrasound is very low frequency vibrations of natural or technical origin (storms, waterfalls, road traffic, etc.). A wind turbine, like any object on earth, produces infrasound. However, they are too weak to be considered annoying or potentially harmful to the acoustic comfort and health of those living near wind farms. The expert report carried out by the National Health Safety Agency (ANSES) in 2017 is very clear on this subject: “At the minimum distance of homes from the installation sites of wind farms (500m) provided for by regulations, infrasound produced by wind turbines does not exceed audibility thresholds. ".
Sources: National Food Safety Agency, “Evaluation of the health effects of low sound frequencies and infrasound due to wind farms”, Collective expert report, March 2017, p. 16
Do wind turbines impact birds and bats?
Although the risks of collision between birds and wind turbines exist, they are minimal. It is generally accepted that the mortality rate is approximately equal to 4 birds per wind turbine per year. This figure may vary depending on the configuration of the wind farm, the relief, the weather conditions or even the density of the avifauna.
According to the LPO study published in 2017, actual mortality varies between 0.3 and 18.3 birds killed per wind turbine per year. Results comparable to those obtained in the United States (5.2 according to Loss et al, 2013) or in Canada (8.2 according to Zimmerling et al, 2013).
The LPO recommends refusing the establishment in or too close to SPAs (Special Protection Zones: Natura 2000 zones under the Birds Directive)
However, impact studies now make it possible to limit the negative effects of the installation of wind turbines, thanks to ornithological monitoring carried out upstream. It can be supplemented after the commissioning of the park by the national “wind-biodiversity” program.
As an indication, the road and electricity networks are respectively responsible for the deaths of 30 to 100 and 40 to 120 birds per km per year and hundreds of thousands of them are victims of collisions... with bay windows.
Could the wind farm have an impact on nearby livestock farms?
Of the more than 1,500 wind farms in France, a very large number of parks are located near cattle farms without any particular problem being noted so far. None of the studies carried out to date have demonstrated the link between the activity of a wind farm and the health status of a farm. ANSES must soon issue an opinion on the issue.
Could nearby homes lose value with the arrival of the park?
No impact on real estate has been noted to date. A 10-year study was carried out by Climat Énergie Environnement in Hauts de France, covering 240 municipalities in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region, located around 5 wind farms. The results indicate that the presence of wind turbines does not lead to real estate devaluation or a reduction in the number of building permit applications.
Source: Assessment of the impact of wind energy on real estate, Context of Nord-Pas-de-Calais, Climat Energie Environnement, May 2010.
Can the wind farm have an impact on the health of nearby residents?
There is no direct link between the presence of a wind farm and the health of local residents. All the studies conducted have demonstrated the absence of a link between potential health problems and the presence of wind turbines. A study conducted by the Finnish government, dated June 22, 2020, scientifically proves that the nervous system does not react to infrasound produced by wind turbines. The study consists of three parts:
The study concludes, however, that: “the so-called “nocebo” effect (analogous to the placebo effect, but in reverse) is an explanation for the allegedly frequent appearance of symptoms near wind turbines: physically harmless circumstances can have a negative effect on health to the extent that the people concerned suspect a negative impact. Symptoms with other causes could also be incorrectly associated with wind turbines. ". What is commonly called “wind syndrome” actually has no scientific link to the presence of nearby machines.
Source: MAIJALA Panu (dir.), “Infrasound Does Not Explain Symptoms Related to Wind Turbines”, Publications of the Government’s analysis, assessment and research activities, 2020, p. 155
Do wind turbines make noise?
In France, the regulations on this subject are one of the strictest in Europe. It requires that wind farms add no more than 3 decibels at night and 5 decibels during the day to ambient noise. Acoustic studies carried out within the regulatory framework of the ICPE procedure make it possible to determine ambient noise, without a wind turbine. Simulations are then carried out according to the installation variants of the wind turbines, in order to limit the acoustic impact of the wind farm and define a restriction plan so that the wind turbines stop if their activity generates more than 3 decibels at night and 5 decibels the day. Following the commissioning of the park, monitoring is carried out to adapt these clamping plans or the technology used.
The stages of a wind project
1 - Site identification
The choice of site takes into account:
2 - Local notice
The wind developer first requests the opinion of municipal councils for the start of studies on the areas concerned. This notice is not a mandatory step, but is included in the charter of good practices signed by certain developers.
3 - Land security
The developer meets the owners of the different plots affected by the study area and signs lease agreements with them.
A rent per installed MW is fixed for the entire lifespan of the wind farm.
The rent is divided between owner and operator if they are different.
4 - Launches of studies
In order to define a suitable and integrated wind project, it is necessary to carry out numerous specific studies allowing the realization of “initial states”. Taking the environment into account is integrated into the design of the project in the same way as technical or production considerations.
These studies include:
These studies make it possible to refine the specific issues of the site and, consequently, to specify the areas favorable to the installation of wind turbines.
5 - Definition of the location and choice of wind turbine model
After carrying out the studies, several variants of wind farm installation are considered and compared to find the one with the least impact and the best electricity production. The project leader also consults the available wind turbine models and selects those best suited to the site.
6 - Carrying out the impact study
The implementation is simulated on the initial states in order to evaluate the impact of each wind turbine. Each taxon is studied with precision by a specialized research office recognized in its field according to national and regional guides and programs.
7 - ERC sequence
The impacts thus identified are analyzed using the ERC sequence approach (Avoid, Reduce, Compensate and Support). In a manner proportionate to the issues, the implementation can be adjusted during this process and measures can be put in place.
8 - Submission of the file
The authorization request file is submitted to the prefecture with the State services. It is instructed by around twenty different services, responsible for verifying its compliance with regulations.
9 - Public inquiry
After examining the application file and receiving the necessary opinions, the Prefecture opens the public inquiry phase.
During this period of a regulatory duration of 1 month, the complete project file can be consulted at the town hall. An investigating commissioner, appointed by the administrative court, is on call and keeps a register in which everyone can make their observations.
The municipal council of the host municipality but also those of the municipalities located within a 6km radius around the project are also requested for opinions. At the end of this public inquiry period, the investigating commissioner draws up a report and issues an opinion.
10 - Decision of the prefect
To see the light of day, a wind farm must be granted an operating authorization from the Prefect and a building authorization.
Since March 1, 2017, these procedures have been grouped together within the so-called Environmental Authorization framework, which includes an authorization to operate under the ICPE nomenclature (Installation Classified for Environmental Protection), and an authorization to build (worth a building permit).
At the end of the instruction and consultation procedure with municipalities and residents, the Prefect of the department signs a single decree which brings together these authorizations.
During the door-to-door campaign carried out the week of February 21, 2022, 3 subjects were frequently discussed and are among the subjects on which you would like to have more information: your electricity bill and the competitiveness of the wind power, wind power production capacity and TV signal reception problems.
Many of you are wondering about the link between the construction of wind farms and your electricity bill. Two factors must be taken into account:
The amount of your bill depends primarily on your consumption and your subscription, materialized by a price per KWh. This price per KWh is calculated based on the production cost of the different sources of electricity in France.
Wind power is an increasingly competitive energy source, meaning it costs less and less:
We must also keep in mind that to operate a wind turbine, all you need is suitable windy conditions, knowing that the wind is freely available. Wind power therefore does not require the importation of raw materials. Wind energy is therefore not dependent on external shocks, which can have an impact on the import of raw materials.
4 taxes affect the amount of the electricity bill:
Some of you may be saying to yourself “I have already seen wind farms and the wind turbines were stopped, wind power does not produce electricity”. It's wrong.
Some also highlight an average load factor for wind power, which was 26.35% in 2020, to say that a wind turbine “only turns 25% of the time”. Here too, this is a false statement.
When a wind farm is positioned between a TV/TNT wave transmitter and receiver, disturbances may be caused. This is a simple problem to resolve, if necessary taken care of by the project leader.
However, it is essential that the residents concerned come forward as soon as the problem appears when the wind farm is commissioned, because wind power is not the only one responsible for this type of disruption. Do not hesitate to contact us in case of problems!